On July 8, 2024, we presented the current status of our work on Earth4All Austria as part of the Vienna Climate Biennale at the Nordwestbahnhof festival area, Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1200 Vienna.

The event was fully booked and could also be followed on the Internet! Many thanks for the active participation.

Our entire team is working under high pressure to compile the information, insights, and ideas from the past weeks and document them consistently in an initial report. The discussions from public events, the collaborative efforts in workshops, interviews with stakeholders, surveys, and model results will all be included in this first Earth4All Austria report.

However, we don’t want to simply present a report and say, “This is it, and this is what must be done.” That approach won’t work and can’t succeed. This is a first draft, an interim report, a work in progress. Transformation is a process, and we see every day that we are all in the midst of it.

Therefore, we would like to present our findings from the past months and discuss them with you, working together to further develop them. This great transformation towards the “Giant Leap” can only happen collectively, and we are very much looking forward to meeting you.

Material & Photos

Our photo gallery showcases a variety of impressions from our event on July 8, 2024.

🔗Follow this link.


We will gradually publish the highlights of the event here:

Special Guests:

Leonore Gewessler

Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. Deputy Federal Spokesperson of the Green Party, formerly Managing Director of GLOBAL2000 and Member of the National Council.

“Climate protection and the energy transition are not just necessities, but above all a great opportunity for positive changes for all of us.”


Anders Wijkamn

Chairman of the Swedish Association of Recycling Industries, Chairman of the Board of Climate-KIC, former President of Globe EU, former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Published the report “The Social Benefits of the Transition to a Circular Economy” in 2015 on behalf of the Club of Rome.



Dr. Marisa Mühlböck

Marisa Mühlböck researches sustainability, entrepreneurship, and well-being from a multidimensional and transdisciplinary perspective.


As a former social entrepreneur, she knows the entrepreneurial life from practical experience and incorporates this knowledge into her research. Additionally, as Research Country Co-Lead, she is committed to the Inner Development Goals Initiative (IDGs), which is dedicated to researching and promoting inner development to achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. Her book, “Sustainable Transformation and Well-being: The Role of Business for Individual and Collective Flourishing,” will be published by Springer Verlag in the fall of 2024.

Performance Artist: Laura Sofía Oyuela Flores

I’m Laura Oyuela a Honduran-born and raised artist currently living in Vienna, Austria.


I write poetry and specify in not specifying in anything, but rather knowing, learning, and working with many topics, issues, mediums, and materials. I received a BA in Arts in Cross-Disciplinary Strategies and I’m currently a student at the department of 🔗Site-Specific Art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna


Save the Date!

Tuesday, July 8, 2024 from 17:00 to 19:00 (Arrival from 16:00!)
Afterwards there will be the opportunity to network.


Festivalareal Nordwestbahnhof


Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1200 Wien


Fotos: eSeL.at – Joanna Pianka

Klima Biennale – Festivalareal Nordwestbahnhof (05.04.-14.07.2024)


Please register for attendance via Eventbrite. This way we can plan optimally. Thank you very much! (Registration here in the form or on 🔗Eventbrite)

A waiting list will become available as soon as all tickets are booked.

If you have any problems or questions regarding registration, please contact


Online Participation

We are planning a Zoom conference. Only second part starting at 18:00 will be in English!

Please log in here on Monday:

Hybrid-Event: Earth4All Austria
Uhrzeit: 8.Juli 2024 04:45 PM Wien

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