The international financial system, global trade, and the (green) technology exchange must be reformed!

On April 2, 2024, the next event, this time on reversing “poverty,” took place in the Reitersaal of Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB AG).

The goal is to reduce poverty in low-income countries: through qualitative, inclusive growth and targeted GDP increase.

The current report to the Club of Rome, “Earth4All,” addresses the issue of overcoming poverty in low-income countries (GDP < 10,000 USD per person) by enabling rapid, fair, and environmentally sustainable economic growth with a GDP increase of at least 5 percent until the GDP per person exceeds 15,000 USD per year. Accordingly, economic growth in the poorest countries should be supported so that these countries can meet the dual challenge of poverty and climate change.

To expand the policy space of low-income countries, an immediate reform of the international financial system is demanded. This reform aims to establish a sustainable system for debt relief for middle and low-income countries by wealthier nations, including the creation of additional resources through the International Monetary Fund from unused Special Drawing Rights, which are intended to be allocated to low-income countries.

Comprehensive transformation of global trade, particularly the review of CO2 emissions treatment in international trade agreements is demanded (no outsourcing to low-income production countries; emissions must be accounted for where products are consumed). Protection of emerging local industries and regional trade is also sought. Additionally, restructuring of (green) technology exchange is advocated, with the World Trade Organization (WTO) urged to waive intellectual property rights for patented technologies crucial for energy transition and public health.


Dr. Hannes Swoboda, President of the Club of Rome – Austrian Chapter, opens the event and provides a brief introduction to the topic of reversing poverty in the context of Earth4All.

Keynote I: Poverty Reduction in the Context of Global Challenges

(Lecture will be held in English!)
Mag. Sabine Gaber © private

Mag. Sabine Gaber is Vice President of the Club of Rome – Austrian Chapter, Executive Board member of Austrian Development Bank AG

Vice President of the Club of Rome – Austrian Chapter and Executive Board member of Austrian Development Bank AG, Mag. Sabine Gaber addresses the issues and challenges of poverty reduction in a global context.

Panel Discussion I:
How must the international financial system be transformed so that low-income countries can overcome the dual challenge of poverty and climate change?

(in German!)

The discussion will be held by:

Christian Just, Alternate Executive Director International Monetary Fund ©private

Martina Neuwirth, Senior Expert in Development Finance at VIDC

MISSING PICTURE: Irene Giner-Reichl

Irene Giner-Reichl, former Ambassador, Expert in Development Policy

Wolfgang Bergthaler, Assistant General Counsel at International Monetary Fund

Gunther Beger, Managing Director UNIDO


Birgit Niessner, President of CARE Austria

Panel Discussion 2:
How must global trade agreements be transformed to support low-income countries, particularly regarding the exchange of green technology?

The discussion will be held by:


Holger Hestermayer, Professor of International Law and EU Law, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna

Werner Raza, Scientific Director of the Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE)



Moderation: Gunter Schall, Austrian Development Agency, Head of Development Policy Communication

Alexandra Strickner, Trade Policy Expert and Managing Board Member of the Competence Center for Everyday Economics

Erwin Künzi, Austrian Development Agency, Head of Themes & Quality


Save the Date! Tuesday, April 2, 2024, from 4:00pm to 7:15pm (Arrival from 3:30pm!)

Following the event, there will be a networking opportunity.


Reitersaal of the Oesterreichischen Kontrollbank AG (OeKB AG)


Strauchgasse 3,
1010 Wien.

Reistersaal der OeKB

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