30. May 2022
In addition to the climate crisis, the current global political situation brings the issue of sovereign and sustainable energy supply in Austria and the European Union even more into focus.
Although Austria is already well-positioned in the field of renewable electricity supply through hydropower, a large part of primary energy (for heating, mobility & industry) is still obtained from fossil sources. For the desired rapid decarbonization and possible energy sovereignty, we still must overcome some major hurdles. For example, the expansion target for an additional 27 TWh of electricity in the Renewable Energy Exchange Act (EAG) is already a big step, but it does not yet cover all areas and by no means covers (consciously) the entire primary energy demand.
In particular decarbonization of energy-intensive industries is not yet taken into account. In fact, it is still in discussion to what extent electricity and green gases in particular hydrogen will be needed to decarbonize the industry sector, which represents 34% of greenhouse gases in Austria.
Together with the TU Vienna, World Energy Council Austria, and Energiepark Bruck/Leitha we will discuss with experts from sciences, companies, and politics about
“Energy transition for all” –
How much energy for a net zero economy?
Date: 15. June 2022 | 17:00 to 20:00 Uhr
Place: Kuppelsaal TU Vienna, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, 4. Floor
Click here to visit the event website and register.
We will focus on the following questions:
- How much energy do we need for complete decarbonization? (sectors: industry, mobility, housing, etc.)
- What will be the share of electricity or alternatives?
- Where will this energy come from? Will it be produced in Austria? How much might be produced in international partnerships – in particular with respect to green hydrogen.
- What are the international framework conditions?
Online Teilnahme
We are planning a Livestream. Please register here for the Online Event.
16:30 – Arrival
17:00 – Opening
Dr. Michael Losch (Special Envoy for Green Industrial Policy, BMK, Vice President World Energy Council Austria, Executive Board Club of Rome – Austrian Chapter) Welcoming address
17:15 – Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nabojsa Nakicenovic (Former Deputy Director of International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)) Keynote: What does the big picture in the energy sector look like for Austria?
17:45 – Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhard Haas (Energy Economics Group, TU Wien) Keynote: What does the big picture in the energy sector look like for Austria? What and how much is needed?
18:15 Break
18:30 – Panel discussion: How do we implement the energy transition in practice
DI Theresia Vogel (Managing Director Klima- und Energiefonds), Mag. Judith Neyer (Director Strategic Energy Policy, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology), DI Markus Mitteregger, MBA (CEO RAG Austria AG), DI Dr. Hildegard Aichberger (Member of the Board, oekostrom AG), Peter Eiler (Head of Hydrogen Center, VERBUND Energy4Business GmbH)
Moderation: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Steininger (Deputy Director of the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change, University of Graz)
19:15 – Public Discussion
19:45 – Wrap-Up
Dr. Martin Hoffmann (Secretary General, Club of Rome – Austrian Chapter) & Dr. Robert Kobau (Secretary General, World Energy Council Austria)
20:00 End
*Modifications reserved.
Be excited!