Wellbeing: Implementation

Seriously increasing sustainability must be measured by whether such verifiable goals are set that promise to make a significant contribution to global goals.

But what goals can these be? We use scientific and artistic approaches to work out individually and in groups what contribution we want to – and can – make to achieving the global goals!

In workshops with decision-makers and stakeholders, we ask according to the three dimensions of sustainability (ecological, social, economic) along the 17 SDGs:

  • where we, i.e. each of us as individuals, with our organisation and as a society, would like to be in 2030,
  • how we notice how far we have come (indicators) and
  • what we can do concretely to achieve these goals.

This is not only about how much energy we consume or avoid plastic, but also how and where what we buy was produced. For example, under what working conditions, where the raw materials come from and how many resources were used in the process, and who earns a lot from it. Economic indices should record how much the economy/company has contributed to the achievement of social target values and compliance with ecological limit values, or how it is developing in relation to these

The aim is to develop a systemic understanding of the challenges facing the 2030 Agenda in a series of workshops in a region or country, with a group of companies or in a sector.

  • develop a systemic understanding of the challenges of the 2030 Agenda
  • on this basis, personal and common goals for all three dimensions of sustainability (ecological, economic, social in the sense of the Doughnut economy) are to be formulated in the form of images and layers and
  • quantified (key indicators) and
  • the images and stories found are publicly presented and discussed together with the key indicators.

Since 2021, we in the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome have been working together with the UniNEtZ project at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the University of Salzburg on a project that is now called

Wellbeing – a good life in a world full of crises


The Wellbeing-Project of the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome.